About Datalaw

We are delighted to announce that Datalaw is a proud sponsor of the Birmingham Law Society. With over 25 years of experience in the legal sector and having trained over 27,000 solicitors, Datalaw is committed to providing exceptional legal education and development opportunities.

What Does Datalaw Specialise in?

Datalaw specialises in offering professional legal CPD training and 95% government-funded law apprenticeship programs. Their government-funded solicitor apprenticeship and graduate solicitor apprenticeship, approved by the SRA, allows organisations to claim up to £27,000 per employee for training as a solicitor under the new Solicitor Qualifying Exam (SQE) Route. This funding covers the costs of both the SQE 1 & 2 Exams (£4,564) and SQE preparation courses (over £7,200), ensuring aspiring solicitors have the necessary knowledge and skills to excel.

Additionally, Datalaw also offer the Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship, designed to train legal support staff to become qualified paralegals and fee-earners.

law apprenticeshipsWhat are the benefits of Datalaw’s Solicitor Apprenticeships?

The benefits of Datalaw’s solicitor apprenticeships include:

  • SRA approved
  • Zero fees for learners
  • 95% funding for organisations
  • Assistance for firms in retaining and attracting legal talent
  • SQE exams and preparation courses included

What else does Datalaw offer?

Moreover, Datalaw is also renowned for its extensive legal CPD library, featuring over 800 courses across 45 areas of law. Our courses are meticulously designed to cater to the diverse needs of legal professionals, providing essential knowledge and updates to excel in their fields.

How to claim apprenticeship funding through Datalaw

Organisations can claim apprenticeship funding through Datalaw as they are an approved training provider by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), this means by partnering with Datalaw, organisations can receive training and claim funding directly from the government to enrol employees into the Solicitor Apprenticeship, Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship, or Paralegal Apprenticeship. This funding provides remarkable opportunities as it will help enhance talent acquisition and career progression within the workforce.

Legal apprenticeshipsBirmingham Law Society Members

Birmingham Law Society members will have priority access to a series of exclusive webinars hosted by Datalaw, offering early access to solicitor apprenticeship spaces and invaluable legal training resources. This partnership ensures that members have a distinct advantage in accessing SQE funding and advancing their careers within the legal sector.

We extend an invitation to all members of the Birmingham Law Society to explore the SRA-approved qualifications and legal CPD training offered by Datalaw. Whether you seek to enhance your practice’s expertise or progress in your legal career, Datalaw is committed to providing tailored training solutions to meet your needs. To learn more and discuss how Datalaw’s apprenticeships can benefit your firm, please book a meeting with their Apprenticeship Coordinator or contact Datalaw’s Apprenticeship Team directly at 0151 242 0066.

For additional information, visit www.datalawonline.co.uk/funding.