We encourage closer contact between members thereby strengthening the regional legal community
- by providing a programme for members including networking and activity based events;
- by holding public debates/discussions which are important to members;
- by establishing and maintaining effective lines of communication with all members.
We represent the professional interests of our members
- by direct representations and lobbying to Government, the SRA, The Law Society and other organisations;
- by engaging in consultations;
- by making use of the media.
We promote the Society, our members and the region on the National and International stage
- by ensuring members are aware of the work which is undertaken by the Society;
- by ensuring all Officers, Board Members and Council Members promote the Society and its members whenever speaking to national or international organisations, including during international visits;
- by promoting the international relations the Society has and establishing links.
We ensure our members are kept up to date with any important issues relevant to the legal profession
- by using any and all available means (electronic, seminars, newsletters, correspondence etc);
- by engaging in public debates/discussions with people associated with such changes;
- through training and other educational events.
We raise public awareness of legal issues relevant to the profession
- by promoting the rule of law and access to justice;
- by raising issues relevant to the provision of legal services such as Alternative Business Structures, cuts in legal aid, diversity issues in respect of access to the legal profession etc;
- by ensuring that we set an example by maintaining a diverse and inclusive membership which is reflected across all committees, the Council, Board and Officers of the Society
- by maintaining a broad membership including students, academics, apprentices, paralegals, FILEX, solicitors, barristers and members of the in-house legal commmunity
We are regarded as an integral and important part of Birmingham and the surrounding regions by ensuring close links with other organisations (both legal and non legal) including;
- national organisations such as The Law Society;
- local organisations such as Universities, Chamber of Commerce, Birmingham Forward, etc;
- local organisations involved in the administration of justice such as the Judiciary/Tribunals and the Police;
- Birmingham Trainee Solicitors Group and Birmingham Solicitors Group;
- Pro bono groups and charities.