Alice Kinder
I am an Employment and Pensions Lawyer at Bexley Beaumont Solicitors. I support a range of charitable, commercial and public sector organisations as well as private individuals. I have a particular interest in diversity and social mobility and I am experienced in working with employers looking to adopt a more values-driven strategy. Alongside my fee earning role, I lead the Sex and Gender portfolio within my firm’s Equality and Diversity Group. I am Chair of the BLS Social Mobility Sub-Committee and a national Social Mobility Ambassador for The Law Society.
I first joined BLS Council as a trainee solicitor and have now been a member for over three years. Council is made up of around 30 people from a range of legal backgrounds. We meet once a month to discuss the matters affecting BLS, the legal profession, and our city. We are often joined by external guest speakers and gain insight into a range of topical issues. Being a Council member has been one of the most rewarding roles I have had. I have been able to contribute to the society’s decision-making and have a lasting impact on both our members and the wider community. There is no stereotype of who a Council member should be. I would encourage any member of BLS at any level who is enthusiastic about promoting and developing our legal community to consider standing for election to Council and share their ideas and experience.