The Presidents Fun Golf Day was held at Nailcote Hall in blazing sunshine on Thursday 11th July 2013. Nailcote Hall hosts the British Par Three Championships and the course was as we played in ideal condition, in readiness for the championship to be held there on the 6th August. The course consists of 9 par three holes and BLS guests were invited to play the course twice. Mr Richard Cressman the owner of Nailcote Hall, welcomed us all to the event and we were entertained on arrival to a light lunch. A shotgun start followed and the President’s PA (his wife Tracey!) drove a buggy onto the course at the half way point to provide non-alcoholic beverages for the good players and alcoholic beverages for the players shall we say with slightly less ability. Within the competition, a separate yellow ball competition was held to ensure regular participation of every golfer at every hole and following several drinks at the bar at the end of evening, we were then entertained in the stately surroundings of Nailcote Hall by a sumptuous three course dinner. Various prizes were presented to golfers of varying abilities, (it was a fun day) but the principal prize was won by Colin French and Simon Hurley-Smith with a score of 40 points, some 27 points more than was accrued by the pairing who shall remain anonymous for the purposes of this article in collecting the booby prize. A great day out was enjoyed by all and following dinner a raffle was held to which our generous host Mr Cressman, donated a round of two for four people at the course, including lunch. The President was pleased to announce that a sum of £385.00 had been raised from the proceeds of the raffle, for the President’s charity, St Basil’s, and thanks go to all of the administrators and participants who took part in a splendid day’s entertainment.
Martin Allsopp